
Sunday 9 September 2012

Discussion with a Mormon at Manti Pageant 2012.

Hi all this is a discussion with a couple of Mormons I had at Utah this year, the sound isnt the best but you can see some of the issues here with their view of Jesus compared to the biblical view.

For the last 3 years I (Bobby Gilpin) have been on mission trips to Utah each year, learning more about Mormonism and witnessing to Mormons, by far the best opportunity for this was at the Manti Pageant, for most of two weeks each night 14.000 Mormons were greeted by around 200 Christians while they were walking to their seats to watch a re-enactment of their theology and history, many great conversations were had as a result of this.

I am pointing this out because for the first time the Mormon Church is holding a pageant outside of the USA which is going to be held next year at their temple in Chorley near Preston at the last week of July and First week of August. This is going to be the best chance in years to have a witnessing effort to Mormons in the UK. More information about this is here.

For those who dont know the Mormon Church is around 14 Million in its membership (active and inactive) and believes itself to be the one true church on the earth (although they do accept that other churches have some truth) they believe God used to be a man and earned His exaltation and that we can do the same, potentially resulting in us ruling over our own kingdom like God does.

Jesus is the firstborn Son of our heavenly parents and salvation in its fullness comes partly through faith in Him but also needs to include obedience to the many laws and ordnances of the Mormon gospel. They are not lost out of a lack of effort or sincerity, but rather not totally trusting in Jesus alone for their salvation, almost every aspect of the Christian gospel is distorted in Mormonism, even the Cross isn't safe, Bruce Mcconkie a prominent past Mormon Apostle said this:

“Where and under what circumstances was the atoning sacrifice of the Son of God made? Was it on the Cross of Calvary or in the Garden of Gethsemane? It is to the Cross of Christ that most Christians look when centering their attention upon the infinite and eternal atonement. And certainly the sacrifice of our Lord was completed when he was lifted up by men; also, that part of his life and suffering is more dramatic and, perhaps, more soul stirring. But in reality the pain and suffering, the triumph and grandeur, of the atonement took place primarily in Gethsemane” (Bruce R. McConkie, Doctrinal New Testament Commentary 1:774).

So the need is great but many Christians don't want to speak to Mormons even at their door, or do not know what to say, my ministry UK Partnerships for Christ ( exists to equip Christians UK wide by presenting seminars on communicating the biblical gospel to Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses and I would love to see as many Christians as possible at this event reaching out to these great people. If you would be interested in this please let me know ( and if you think your church would benefit from a seminar on this issue also I would love to hear from you.

Also if anyone is in the Bradford area there is a Seminar on the 28th and 29th of September in the area where myself and Tony Brown will be speaking on reaching to these two groups, more info please see the facebook event here.

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