
Monday 4 June 2012

Things Which Ought To Be Better Known About The Resurrection Of Jesus (Dr Peter Williams)


  1. The resurrection is quite amazing.

    It seems that even Christian converts in Corinth were scoffing at the idea of God choosing to raise corpses, and came to the conclusion that Jesus became a life-giving spirit.

  2. The earliest Christians believed Jesus was still alive, but that his body had been left behind.

    The earliest reference to the resurrection is in 1 Cor. 15. There we learn that the Corinthians accepted the resurrection of Jesus, but still disbelieved that a dead body could rise.

    This is impossible to explain, if they had been taught that Jesus dead body had risen. After all, modern Christians have no problem with the idea that God can raise dead bodies, because they have heard stories of how the body of Jesus was raised.

    The Corinthians worry is easy to explain if they believed that Jesus was a god. Jesus had been a spirit before he became a human , and became a spirit again after he died. Gods can do that. However, we are not gods, and so the Corinthians wondered how we could follow Jesus , when our bodies , like the body of Jesus, would stay in the ground.

    The Corinthians knew that God could breathe life into dead matter. God had breathed life into clay and created Adam as a living person. So if they believed God could make dead matter live, why did they believe God would choose not to make their dead bodies alive?

    They must have had good evidence that God had not made dead matter alive in the case of the resurrection. They must have had good evidence that the dead body of Jesus had not been made alive. Only this explains their wondering how they would be resurrected, as it appeared to them that God did not want to make dead bodies live again.

    So far this is speculation, although reasonable speculation. If the Corinthians believed God could make dead matter live, and had heard stories of the dead bodies of Jesus, Lazarus, the daughter of Jairus etc, being made alive, how could they doubt that God would make their dead bodies live again? Answer. They had not heard these stories, and had good evidence that a resurrection did *not* involve a dead body being made alive.

    We have to turn to 1 Corinthians 15, where Paul answers the objections of the Corinthians.

  3. (Continued)

    Paul calls the Corinthians idiots for wondering how dead bodies would be raised. And he immediately stresses that dead bodies are dead. ‘You fools! What you sow does not come to life unless it dies. When you sow, you do not plant the body that will be, but just a seed.’

    If Paul thought the Corinthians were idiots for wondering how dead bodies could be raised, when it was child’s play for God to raise dead bodies, he would have told them so. He could have used such passages as Ezekiel 37, or talked about how God breathed life into dead matter to make Adam.

    Instead, he thinks the Corinthians are idiots for wondering how dead bodies could be raised, as they have totally missed the point about a resurrection.

    Dead bodies will not be raised. Instead, we will get a new body, made of spirit.

    The Corinthians were as idiotic for wondering how dead bodies would be raised in the resurrection, as somebody would be idiotic for wondering whether we still have to take our library books back after the resurrection.

    Such questions were irrelevant, which is why Paul never answers the questions of how corpses could get back missing limbs, or how a corpse destroyed by fire could be reconstituted from smoke and ash etc.

    Paul goes so far as to contrast , Adam, with Jesus. ‘The first Adam became a living being, the last Adam became a life-giving spirit.’

    The Corinthians were idiots for not realising that we would follow Jesus and leave our dead bodies behind. We are made from the dust of the earth, but like the resurrected Jesus, we will be made from heavenly material.

    The whole chapter only makes sense when we take seriously Paul’s view that it is idiotic to wonder how a dead body could be raised. It won’t be raised. It is a non-problem. Paul says clearly ‘You do not plant the body that will be’, and talks about different kinds of bodies. Paul says there is first the natural body and then the spiritual body. The Corinthians presently have their natural bodies, and then they will have spiritual bodies.

    Here is an analogy for how Paul writes. If you wonder how a magician can produce an egg from your ear, after you have seen him crack the egg open, then you are an idiot for not realising that there are two eggs. Paul writes the same way.

    Why wonder how a dead body can be transformed into a resurrected body, when there are two bodies? In 1 Cor. 15, Paul stresses how there are different bodies made of different materials. Why stress that there are different bodies, if he is trying to tell us how the magician put the egg back together again?

    English translations of 1 Corinthians 15 often mask Paul’s idea that after our natural body has died, we will get a body made of spirit. Just like Jesus, we will become ‘a life-giving spirit.’ People of that time believed that celestial things were made of entirely different substances to earthly things. Paul shares that view and emphasises it in 1 Corinthians 15. This makes no sense if he is supposedly teaching the Corinthains that their resurrected bodies would be made from flesh and blood, which is what the Gospels claim Jesus resurrected body was made of.

    It does make sense if Paul is teaching that the resurrected body would not be made from the flesh and blood of our earthly bodies.

    Paul is very explicit in 2 Corinthians 5 that we will leave this present body behind and receive a heavenly body. A new body to replace the old body. He often uses a clothing analogy. At the resurrection we will get a new set of clothes.

    This means that the old set of clothes will be discarded.

    The earliest reference to the resurrection, Paul’s writings, clearly indicate that the earliest Christians did not believe Jesus flesh and blood body rose from the grave.

  4. How about not posting an entire blog entry from your own blog in the comment section of someone else's blog?

    If people want to hear more of Steven's opinions on the matter then they should check out his appearance on the Unbelievable radio programme.

    My own opinion is that there is next to no point in engaging with him.

  5. Christians have tried debating the resurrection with me and lost horribly.

  6. Really? I don't remember that happening when we debated...perhaps you just have a selective memory.

  7. Get somebody not wedded to a belief that Jesus flew into the sky to read your responses.

    The fact remains that early Christian converts openly scoffed at the idea of their god raising corpses.

    And Paul could not find one single bit of eyewitness detail as to what a resurrected body was like, and had to resort to claiming Jesus 'became a life-giving spirit'.

  8. Steven, get somebody not wedded to the non belief in the bodily resurrection to read your responses.

    See how silly rhetoric like that works?

    P.S. Do either of you have a link to that debate?

  9. Billy,

    here's myself and Stevens previous debate on the resurrection. You will clearly see that I lost horribly, as Christians always do with Steven.

    Was about 3 years ago I think.


  10. Thanks Daniel. It will take a while to get through. A quick glance seems to show that Steven's peculiar interpretation of 1 Cor. 15 plays a pivotal role in his whole argument.
