
Recommended Podcasts

Unbelievable? Radio Show
- The popular show that usually pits a Christian against a non-Christian in reasonably debate is something both Christians and non-Christians can both learn from. The UK's only weekly apologetics radio show, hosted by Justin Brierley who somehow manages to get some of the worlds best speakers every Saturday between 2:30pm-4:00 on Premier Christian Radio. They have a pod-cast that can be downloaded from i tunes and a great on-line forum to carry on discussion afterwards.

Right Reason Podcast- Dr Glenn Peoples runs what is my favourite philosophy and theology pod-cast and in my opinion one of the best out there for learning about theological ethics. Particular highlights are his sound defence of a divine command theory of ethics against the Euthyphro dilemma. It can be hard to make philosophy and theology fun, but Glenn pulls it off! Go listen.

The Christian Persuaders -  UCCF's Christian Persuaders podcast offers a series of interviews with Christians from around the world who are gifted and passionate about communicating and defending the Christian Gospel. Alex Banfield Hicks talks to experienced apologists and evangelists who share their wisdom with a new generation of speakers. A new interview will be released each week.

Stand to Reason - Greg Koukl has been running his pod-cast for years, he takes questions from callers and discusses a range of Apologetics and  Christian cultural issues, and is not just informative but entertaining, check it out. - Weekly Radio Show - I only recently discovered this show, I can't believe this has slipped under my radar for so long. Great show that deals with the classical apologetic and philosophical subjects along with church history and Christian doctrine, you won't disappointed

Pensees - Fixed Point Foundation
- Larry Taunton runs a great organisation and it now has its own podcats that deals with some great topics and has some great guests, well worth a listen.

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